dilluns, 21 de desembre del 2009

Merry Christmas!

Yeah! Chirstmas is finally here.
What I love about Christmas are all the presents, being with my family, not going to school... everything is good and there's nothing that I don't like.
My wishes for Christmas and 2010 are peace and love everywhere (typical)
I just want to have fun with my friends and still having good school results, well I think that I should wish it for everyone, isn't it?
Anyway, Happy Holidays again!!!
I hope Santa will be good with you ;)

dissabte, 12 de desembre del 2009

My favorite sport

My favorite sport is dancing. I like every kind of dance like funky, jazz, contemporary but what I really, really love it’s classical ballet. I have been practising ballet since I was four but last year I left it, anyway I dance it at home. Now I’m doing contemporary dance that it’s more modern and it is nice too. I go dancing with my two best friends Cristina and Andrea. We go dancing every Saturday and in a few days we’re going to do our first show for this year in a Christmas party in the music school of Vila-Seca. In the picture you can see a beautiful dancer from the ‘’Swan lake’’.